Monday, August 11, 2008

Born to be wild

Well, it's Monday and my uncharacteristic cheerfulness has finally dissipated. Actually it didn't last too far into the weekend. I had an okay weekend. Spent all of it with MNB, which was probably a little too much. By last night, I felt like the guest who wouldn't leave, but I was too tired to drive home, so I figured he could just deal with it. He'll have 7 days of solitude to get over it. We spent Saturday and Sunday visiting little places along the Missouri River. One of the more odd things we saw was a little Thai food cart right in amongst the river rats camped at a little landing. It was a sort of bizzare reminder of how small the world is. In my book, eating Pad Thai Noodles off of a styrofoam plate sure beats cooking hot dogs on a stick. Anyway, our little excursions reinforced my burning desire to buy a little camper to pull behind my minivan. I just imagine myself as a self-sufficient free spirit, going where the wind takes me, exploring the country and leaving a wake of broken hearts in my tracks. It could happen.


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