Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mr. Right Now

I'm a little conflicted about one of my "relationships." The conflict centers around whether or not its okay to keep doing what's convenient when it's pretty clear we've reached the point of spinning our wheels. I'm actually a little hung up on the guy - isn't that always the case? - but he's just keeping me around for company until someone better comes along, which is reinforced by his new myspace page that talks about, "I would like to meet a woman who is..." I'm trying to figure out whether I'm disrespecting myself by going along with it instead of telling him to hit the road. At times, it does make me feel fairly defective that this guy probably knows me better than anyone else & doesn't see anything there worth committing to. On the other hand, I'm getting something out of this too. I think I might be copping out, but in the end I think I'd rather spend some of my time with somebody than spend all of my time righteously alone.


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