Thursday, October 2, 2008

Strike one

Okay. One down, two to go. The only thing is, after the first date this week, I'm not sure I want to go through with the others. I had really forgotten how weird it is to pretend to be interested in someone for a couple of hours when you knew after the first five minutes, it wasn't happenin'. The worst part of all was the awkward goodbye. After what seemed like a respectable time of making small talk, I was feeling the urge to sprint to my car, hop in, and put the ugliness behind me. But, instead I politely walked out with my date and when I did, it became apparent that he expected more than just a wave goodbye. So, after a few seconds of maneuvering, I effectively limited him to a one-armed, side-by-side hug. The guy was nice enough, but there was no way his face was getting anywhere near mine. I'm tellin' ya, it's rough out there.


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