Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Ramones

I just got through drinking 3/4 of a bottle of Shiraz & watching "The Story of the Ramones." Somehow that combination of events inspired me to start a blog. Actually, it was probably more the fact that I watched the story of the frickin Ramones & didn't have anyone to talk to about it. I'm a little freaked out that the majority of these icons of my youth have all left this world. The dick -- Johnny, the sweet one -- Joey, and the adorable junkie -- Dee Dee. They weren't much older than me when they bought the farm. However, it seems like for their relatively few years, they lived enormously.

One of my fears has always been that I would live a life that "left something on the table" so I try to cram as many experiences as I can into the time that I have. But, I've never played music for thousands of people, been held hostage at gunpoint by Phil Spector, or inspired handfuls of marginally successful (yet brilliant) bands. The Ramones, as misunderstood as they were, rocked.


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