Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday night on the couch

It's Friday night & I've spent the better part of the evening sitting on my couch in my empty house. The more time I spend by myself, the less bummed out I am about it. I can't really figure out whether that means I'm becoming better adjusted or I'm becoming a hermit. I guess time will tell. I think it's probably a good thing that I'm spending some time by myself though because for a while there I felt like I was rapidly losing control. Everything was changing so fast & I was so unhappy & lonely that when I'd go out, it was almost like I was a college freshman who was just experiencing freedom & hadn't yet mastered the art of self regulation. I think the solitude is giving me a chance to rein myself in a little.

I keep thinking I need to find some creative endeavor to give me something to fill my hours. It would be a bonus if it involved being around other people so I hopefully won't turn into a crazy cat lady. I'll have to think about what that might be. Lord knows I have plenty of time to think.


China Pattern said...

Hi! I am new to blogspot but I have been blogging elsewhere for about 3 years. I have been looking for other blogs to read and people to get to know. I laughed out loud at your "crazy cat lady" comments. My husband gave me a crazy cat lady action figure as gag gift a year ago for Christmas. I am getting more and more hermit like and I am good with it. LOL. Drop by my blog any time. I look forword to reading your blog entries as I get more time.

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